You should probably pay your debts, if you don't want this to happen to you!
Do you like to borrow money from your neighbors, friends, or family? Well, borrowing money is not really a problem if you know how to pay your dues regularly or on the scheduled date. The hard thing is, sometimes, people just forget their debts -- especially if they got it from their friends or family.
That's why lenders have a hard time of getting back money owed to them. Some borrowers, no matter how small the interest is, hide from their lenders. That gives the lenders no choice but to think of ways to get their "friend" to pay up.
Normally, they would remind the borrower through any means of traditional communication: through calling, texting, chats, or even a visit to their house or work. But for tricky borrowers who have the audacity to deny any form of debt or hide from their lenders every time, the lenders resort to drastic measures.
Just like this anonymous lender who thought of a creative way to remind his/her borrower to pay up.
The tarpaulin reads:
"Rutchel Sentina
Ang utang mo 7,250.00 sang tuig 2014 pa ini."
The tarpaulin is posted on a house with a photo of the Rutchel who obviously is the borrower.
Netizens have been commenting on this incident saying that because of this, they will no longer try to borrow money.
On the other hand, some netizens are skeptical about this method of repayment and pity the woman in the tarpaulin.
But when all is said and done, the root cause of this issue is the inability to pay debts. So we must all be responsible for our financial stability and we must take our word of honor very seriously. Be like the Lannisters, who always pay their debts.
What can you say about this incident? Was the move too much or is it justifiable given the amount and time of debt? Share your comments below!
Source: KAMI
You should probably pay your debts, if you don't want this to happen to you!
Reviewed by Daryl Madrid
Friday, February 15, 2019
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